When you’re using a 510-thread battery or another type of vaping device such as a dab pen, charging your vape is going to become a part of your everyday routine – so it’s important to ensure that you’re doing it properly. In this article, we’re going to provide a...
A wax pen is a vaporizer designed to work with herbal concentrates that are solid or mostly solid at room temperature. Wax pens differ from 510-thread batteries, which are designed to work with oil-based concentrates that are liquid at room temperature. Wax pens and...
“Can you refill a cart?” One of the reasons why we sell refillable vape cartridges here at Rokin Vapes is because using refillable carts is by far the most affordable way to vape. Single-use cartridges have benefits of their own – but when you buy a pre-filled cart,...
The ceramic-core vape cartridge is probably the single most important invention in the history of herbal vaping. Vape carts are simple, convenient and reliable – and they also offer noticeably increased potency compared to traditional smoking. When you consider the...
“Why is my vape not working?” You’re probably aware that gadgets can exhibit all sorts of unexplained problems when their batteries are dead, and that’s as true of a vape pen as it is with any other device. If your vape pen is blinking or isn’t hitting, fixing the...
“Why does my cart taste burnt when it’s full?” When you sit down with your favorite 510-thread battery and a brand-new vape cartridge, you expect nothing less than top-quality flavor with every puff. Needless to say, you’re going to be pretty unhappy if a new cart...
Without a doubt, dabbing is the best way to consume herbal concentrates if you’re a true connoisseur. Nothing else gives you the same level of potency and flavor – and although wax concentrates can be a bit on the expensive side, the price is completely worth it if...
There’s something undeniably fun and special about breaking out a new vape cart, connecting it to your 510-thread battery and settling in for a long vaping session. A new cartridge always gives you the best flavor, and it’s also great to know that you can vape as long...
One of the reasons why portable vape pens are so popular is because they’re extremely discreet. Oil and wax concentrates distil everyone’s favorite herb down to its basic essence, resulting in a product that can get you where you want to be in just a few puffs. In...
One of the biggest benefits of using vape carts or a dab pen is that it’s much more discreet than smoking your favorite herb. Everyone knows that cannabis emits an extremely potent smell when it’s smoked. It’s so potent, in fact, that people can smell it in the...
A weed grinder is one of the most important vaping or smoking accessories that you could ever own. It’s not just something that enhances your experience – owning a good weed grinder is practically a requirement if you want to have a good experience at all. If you’re...
If you’re the type of person who stores your stash in a variety of locations around the house, there’s a good chance that you’ll occasionally come across some weed that’s been around for a while – and when that happens, you’re naturally going to wonder if old weed is...